Tampermonkey scripts download gay porn

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Everyone else will see them as they are, unless they have scripts and styles as well.Īfter you download it from Firefox's add-ons website go to Greasemonkey website (you don't have to register).īy then, you should already have little monkey icon on your status bar (bottom of the page).If monkey is brown and smiling, it's activated, and if it's blue and sad looking, it's deactivated. IMPORTANT: These scripts and styles change your view of the page ONLY. But scripts could change whole page's encoding and layout. The main difference between scripts and styles (in my opinion) is that styles won't extremely change the page looks, but only enhance it, like, change colors, change font etc. Those are small scripts/styles which change the looks, layouts of web pages. Stylish - user styles which you can download here

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Greasemonkey - userscripts which you can get here and to download scripts go here I'm not sure how familiar are you with add-ons, and what they can do, but I'll present you only 2 today, the ones that are aesthetically important. Many people I know are using Mozilla Firefox, which is a great browser I admit!

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